Crypto Shard 02 - Physical NFT
Shard 02 and shard 03 are both pieces of a derelict railroad tie. They were likely once a singular piece, but the machinations of human-made machinery and the natural process of entropy have taken their course. Thus, they were separated, as are most physical objects in the course of existence.
Length: 25 inches
Length: 27 inches
Connectivity: WiFi, USB-C
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEWCBIMIdF89DK5V68GKTQze0t7zbZ4l9EUbOayFGW 83PdYBkcfKAmhcrcOc/n5HLp7cen0KIWmz6DX2Y5jP6tWg== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
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