Crypto Shard 12 - Physical NFT
Shard 12 is a steel table with a reclaimed science lab bench top. The steel panels comprising its sides were patinaed naturally by the rains of the Pacific Northwest.
Size: 76 x 30 x 29 inches
Weight: 220 pounds
Connectivity: WiFi, USB-C
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEJDesxQmBJV4I6i9D11cK55KaCwrpAjwpIC3guGl6 3jM/mp3PLQGpS8wNQD0sf9NxvJEJwSPM7cF1uSqupRuBCg== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
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